The digital geophysical systems

electrical logging device "БКЗ-75"
lateral microresistivity log tool "БМК-75"
induction and microlaterolog tool "2ИКБК-75"
dual laterolog tool "2БК-75"
natural formation gamma radioactivity level logging device "ГК-75"
natural gamma ray spectrometry tool "ГКС-75"
neutron log tool "2НК-75"
neutron gamma log tool "НГК-75"
neutron gamma spectrometry log tool "НГКС-75"
downhole thermometer "Т-75"
downhole rocs density log tool "ПК-75"
acoustic log tool "АКШ-75"
acoustic cement log tool "АКЦ-75"
pore & caliper log tool "КП-75"
inclinometer "ИНКЛ-75"
System control block "Б111"
interpretator work station
software for computer-processed interpretation

Analog geophysical log set

-Analog lateral resistivity device "К3-741М"
.(73mm, 180С, 120mPa)
-Analog microresistivity & lateral resistivity
.device "Э1М" (73mm, 180С, 120mPa)
-Analog microresistivity & lateral resistivity
.device "Э2М2" (90mm, 180С, 120mPa)
-Analog induction and microlaterolog tool "Э3М2"
.(73mm, 180С, 120mPa)
-Analog neutron gamma log tool "РК8"
.(73mm, 180С, 120mPa)
-Analog downhole device "СК100"
.(100mm, 180С, 120mPa)
-Analog downhole device "СК100"
.(100mm, 180С, 120mPa)
-Downhole poremeter (4 arms)
.(73mm, 180С, 120mPa)


КБ Инфотехника - продажа торговых автоматов, вендинг