geophysical systems    
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geophysical systems
geophysical systems
geophysical systems
geophysical systems
geophysical systems
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geophysical systems
geophysical systems
The company was founded in 1996 as a geophysical
research and industrial firm.
We produse some geophysical systems for making downhole
measurements (electrical, acoustical, nuclear etc.)
Our devices provide to identify lithology and stratigraphy
in boreholes, cased or uncased.
The product of a survey operation consisting of one or more
curves provides a permanent record of one or more physical
measurements as a function of depth in a well bore.
All downhole log surveys can be conducted anywhere in a short
time and on short notice. The equipment is very easily
transported and operated.
The geophysical log system consists of a borehole equipment
with some logging cable, and a digital counter instrument.
The geophysical measurement information is immediately available
to the operator in the field.
Our pruduction:
-the digital geophysical log system
-the analog geophysical log set.

There are some regions of its success, such as:
-Russia (Sahalin island, Jamal peninsula, Orenburg city in Ural),
-Belorussia, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Vietnam.

Rialog Equipment & Services

To see a list of geophysical equipment >>click here

To see a price-list of geophysical equipment >>click here

geophysical systems

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